WordPress – How to fix Jetpack connection errors, Fonts and Icons showing as squares with NGINX

I recently migrated https://blog.eucse.com/blog from running on Apache to Nginx. I found it helped a lot with utilization and speed (combined with a few more tweaks), but one thing I noticed after was Jetpack wouldn’t load correctly, and some fonts and icons were showing as squares.

See examples of what I was seeing below:


Access Control Allow Origin settings in NGINX!

       location ~ \.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css|css|js)$ {
               add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";

Add the above to your server block, run nginx -t to test, and then restart nginx to set it.

Say hello to a working site!

Thanks to https://support.maxcdn.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036555812 and https://docs.presscustomizr.com/article/233-social-icons-showing-up-as-squares for the assistance!

How to correctly encode special characters for PHP cURL using Postman

I’ve recently been working with a REST API for a project, where we had to provide a filter that needed quote marks in it.


When I was passing this via my PHP API wrapper, this was giving me no end of heck. I spent ages looking for how to escape those “”‘s, and after testing with Postman that this worked great like this, for some reason I notice an option in Postman I’d never clicked before.


Just up there by Save on the top right.

Then like an idiot, I realised I just needed to use the ASCII code for “, and I’d have been fine. Copy and pasted this into the function call going to my API wrapper, and we have liftoff.

If you want to be even smarter, you can have Postman generate all the code needed when you have a working call in the app! This would have saved me HOURS in the past if I’d known this.


Set all Horizon Client’s to Auto-Connect, or not without user involvement

** DISCLAIMER **This is not intended for use on a production platform, VMware does not recommend amending or touching the View ADAM database manually. You will not receive support if anything fails after amending this. This blog is a learning exercise only.

At VMware, I’m responsible for looking after the whole Workspace ONE and Horizon suite (our Digital Workspace/End User Computing solutions). Most of my work is supporting the Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) and Access solutions, but more recently I’ve been assisting with some Horizon questions.

With that, I was presented an interesting question. How can we set all existing Horizon clients to not automatically connect to a desktop pool? In cases where only 1 pool is assigned, or reset any users who have set this option manually.

Never fear, there is a way! With our good friend PowerShell we can go in and make changes to the View ADAM Database which is within ADSI.

Continue reading “Set all Horizon Client’s to Auto-Connect, or not without user involvement”